
Procedures help to create a safe
and efficient environment

Everywhere you go from a construction site to a restaurant it is important that you are safe and everything runs smoothly so that no time is wasted having to repeat things over and over unnecessarily.
Could you imagine a waiter not using a tray to try to serve four people at the same time?  Things could get messy real quick!
A good waiter uses a procedure to place all the entrees on a tray when there is too much to carry.
We will have procedures in the classroom as well so that we do not have to waste time doing things other than learning.
Gaining the class’s attention
If I need your attention my signal will be to stand and raise my hand. 
When I stand and raise my hand all students will say and continue to repeat “Mr. Schwartz would like our attention” until all student’s attention is on me.
 The Bell Work Procedures
*Quietly enter the classroom only if an adult is already in the room. 
*Stow your personal belongings in your personal space. 
*If you are the 1st period class, check your lunch preference for the day on the lunch     board using the dry erase marker provided. 
*Turn in homework and assignments in the assignments bin located next to my desk. 
*Be seated and begin working on the bell-work assignment that will be posted in the front and center of the room.
*You will start everyday with bell-work.  Your bell work will be kept in your daily  journal which you will place in the proper journal bin at the end of every class after I dismiss you.
Transition Procedures
Whenever we move as a group of two or more, we will move in single file.  You will file into line starting from the person closest to the door and ending with the person farthest from the door.
    ¤When we move as a group the only thing anyone should hear is the    person in charge directing the movement and our steps as we walk.
Tardy Procedures
The Tardy procedures will be posted next to the Bell Work Routine. 
Our Tardy procedures will be to follow the Bell Work Routine with the addition of placing your tardy slip on my desk. 
If you arrive after Bell Work is complete:
    ¤All bell work and class work missed will be due before the next class begins; any missed assignments can be found at the information center.
Absent Procedures
*Absent Procedures will be posted next to the Bell Work and Tardy procedures. 
*The absent procedures will be to pick up the Absentee Folder from the information center before class on the first day after returning to class. 
    ¤The folder will contain all work that was missed while absent.
    ¤I will have all weekly work assignments placed in the absent folders at the beginning of every week so when you return to school or if someone would like to pick up the weekly assignments for you the work required will be in the folder.